Karin Daymond’s work is strongly rooted in the South African landscape. Daymond works from her studio in Mpumalanga, a province known for its sub-tropical beauty. Her primary medium is large-scale oil painting. Drawing and printmaking, particularly lithography, form an integral part of her work.

Her work is included in many public and private collections, both in South Africa and internationally. Amongst these are the UNISA collection and the University of the North-West

Kalahari Lithographs

"All the cliched descriptions one hears about the Kalahari are true. It is harsh land, where the distribution of the plants and the colour of the soil are the only signs that there may be, or may have been, water there. It took me months to process what I had seen and felt. My tried and trusted methods of painting didn’t work; it was as if the light came from above and somehow, from the ground. I reassessed every colour and brush mark.”




A Place in the Sun, Edition 7 of 25, 625mm x 480mm


Kalahari, 12 of 25