Johann Louw, born Bellville 1965, holds a BA Fine Art degree (cum laude) from Stellenbosch University (1988). In 1989
he began his B Honours degree (cum laude) and in 1992 he graduated with a MA Fine Art degree (cum laude),
all from the University of Stellenbosch. Louw was the recipient of many merit awards, including the Volkskas Atelier
merit award in 1988 and the Rolfes Student Art award in the same year.
Artist statement: I did my second stint of printmaking at The Artists’ Press with the specific aim of doing prints
in colour - unlike my first stint in which the prints were almost exclusively black and white (if tinted with
an off-white varnish). The new work therefore ranges through a wider - if still restricted - colour palette.
A balance is sought between highlighting the quality of print ( layered ink on paper, in subtle colour variations)
and the emotive and at times lyrical quality of the content, emphasised by flickering markmaking and hints
of slightly dirty colour. The content, as is consistent with my overall work output, is still concerned with states of being.
- Johann Louw, Artists’ Press
Piketberg, Oil on Canvas, 900mm x 700mm
Head II, Lithograph, 480mm x 380mm
Archived WORKS
Naakt, Linocut 420mm x 300mm
Sepia Profile, Lithograph, 760mm x 560mm
Blue profile, Lithograph 760mm x 560mm
Interior, Linocut 300mm x 420mm