deborah bell

Deborah Bell works intensely, submerging herself in the process as she engages with the alchemy of ink, paper, pencils, charcoal and tusche. Out of the ink splashes on the floor and charcoal dust on her face and hands, emerge images of sublime harmony and strength. Her female figures are the calm centre of a metaphysical chaos, from randomness, order takes shape, creating a sense of balance and harmony.

Bell studied at the University of the Witwatersrand where she received her BFA and then MFA in 1986. Since then she has exhibited extensively both locally and internationally. Her work is in many prestigious local and international collections including MOMA (USA), The National Gallery of Art in Washington, the Hara Museum (Tokyo) and the SA National Gallery in Cape Town.


I Have Hymns, You Haven't Heard, Four colour lithograph, 370x475mm



Parsifal II, Spitbite aquatint and drypoint, 1205x915mm

Parsifal III, Spitbite aquatint and drypoint, 1205x915mm

Parsifal III, Spitbite aquatint and drypoint, 1205x915mm


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